What we deliver
Finding talent
The world’s most pressing problems need the world’s best talent.
We’re here to help you find capable, qualified, and motivated individuals that are a great fit for your team. We take three approaches:
- Active headhunting lets us identify qualified individuals that may not otherwise have applied.
- We leverage our networks to find candidates from other applicant pools (including recommendations from other high-impact organizations).
- We review candidates from directories like the High Impact Professionals database.
Hiring talent
We also help you run open hiring rounds. We provide hands-on support throughout the process to help you:
- Establish role responsibilities
- Create a job description and application form
- Share the role on social media and job boards
- Build an applicant tracking system
- Communicate with candidates
- Create rubrics and conduct screening calls
- Create assessments and mark schemes
- Assess candidates at various stages of the process
- Pay candidates for work trials
Once you’ve made an offer, we can manage the logistics — like contracts, NDAs, and right-to-work checks.
How it works
1. Kick-off
We meet to discuss your needs and expectations, and determine the level of involvement you’re looking for. We’ll advise on setting up robust systems and reducing bias in the process. We take a flexible approach for each hiring round.
2. Preparation
We collaborate to create an attractive job ad and GDPR-compliant application form. We research the best ways to attract candidates for a variety of roles — and conduct personalized outreach, targeting communities and individuals with the relevant skills and interests.
3. Hiring round
We can project manage the hiring round. This includes screening applications based on CVs and other predefined criteria, communicating with candidates, scheduling interviews and distributing tests. Based on your needs, we’ll also coordinate and evaluate assessments in order to secure the right candidate.
Related resources
Entity setup
Whether creating an entity from scratch, or “spinning out” of a fiscal sponsor, we help you set things up optimally from the start — including registration, governance, compliance, and infrastructure.
Learn about our entity setup service →
Focus on your mission
Interested in maximizing your project’s potential?
We’re on a mission to empower high-impact projects to scale and flourish. We do this by delivering specialist operations services in areas where we have deep experience, including finance, recruitment, and entity setup.
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