We focus on what we know best

We deliver specialist consultation, implementation, and ongoing support in the areas where we have deep experience.

This includes finance, hiring, entity setup, audit, due diligence, and system implementation.


We provide ongoing financial support to ensure you can manage your project’s finances in an efficient and effective way.

1. Kick-off

We meet to understand which parts of the finance process you’d like us to take on. We can deliver expert support across process and policy development, payment management, bookkeeping, payroll, expenses, dashboards, audit preparation, and more.

2. Transact & report

We build automated dashboards to track financial performance and send periodic reports to key personnel as desired. We manage payments and broader finances on an ongoing basis, in order to free up your team’s time.

3. Optimize

We identify any inefficiencies we spot along the way, and suggest improvements to save time and money. We then collaborate with internal finance staff (if applicable) to tighten up the complete finance stack, including policies and procedures.


We manage hiring rounds for your project in order to free up your time, reduce bias in the process, keep candidates engaged, and recruit the best candidate.

1. Kick-off

We meet to discuss needs and expectations, and determine the level of involvement you’re looking for. We’ll collaborate to decide how to weigh the various data we’ll collect, including applications, CVs, screening calls, assessments, interviews, and references. 

2. Preparation

We collaborate to create a fitting job ad and application form. Then, we conduct personalized outreach in order to target communities and individuals with the relevant skills and interests for the role.

3. Hiring round

We project manage the hiring round — screening applications based on CVs and other predefined criteria, and communicating with candidates throughout the process. Based on your needs, we’ll also coordinate and evaluate assessments in order to secure the right candidate.

Entity setup

Whether creating an entity from scratch, or “spinning out” of a fiscal sponsor, we help you set things up optimally from the start — including registration, governance, compliance, and infrastructure.

1. Kick-off

We meet to understand your goals, funding arrangements, growth plans, and any other agreements or considerations that might inform the appropriate entity structure.

2. Bespoke checklist

We develop a checklist of the tasks involved, including any project-specific requirements — like grantmaking or visa sponsorship. This acts as a shared project tracker and identifies the responsible party for each task, so nothing gets missed.

3. Register & build

We register the entity, set up your bank account, and work through the checklist as both project manager and task assignee. By the end of the project, you’ll have a new entity — with the required infrastructure to operate efficiently and effectively.


Our operational audits identify key efficiency gains and compliance improvements across your organization, including governance, finance, systems, fundraising, and HR.

1. Review

We request some key organizational resources, like your budgets, policies, and procedures. We review these ahead of our kick-off meeting, letting us ask precise questions to speed up the process.

2. Exploratory calls

We hold a kick-off meeting to drill into issues around compliance and governance. We may arrange further meetings to discuss finance, systems, HR, and any project-specific activities — like grantmaking or applicant tracking — to identify further improvements.

3. Report

We share an audit report within 1-2 weeks, highlighting key efficiency and compliance improvements, and next steps for implementing these. We identify high-risk areas and priorities, and discuss whether you’d like our support with implementation.

Due diligence

We assess risks associated with individuals and organizations you intend to partner with, like donors or grantees.

1. Assess

We determine the appropriate level of due diligence for the subject and transaction in question. For example, our process will vary according to the size of your subject’s profile, including their corporate interests, prominent associates, budget, and media profile.

2. Report

We share a due diligence report within 1-2 weeks. If you’re receiving funding from another organization, our report may assess its main donor and their source of wealth. If you’re donating to a project, our report may assess its legitimacy using charity registers, corporate records, local insolvency registers, and global litigation databases.

3. Monitor

You choose whether to be notified about any new issues that arise concerning the subject — such as the outcome of a legal case. We also run discounted refresher reports if you intend to conduct due diligence on a previous donor, grantee, board member, or senior hire.


We recommend and implement systems to free up your attention — like CRMs, HR, applicant tracking, expense management, and more.

1. Kick-off

We discuss any sources of friction you have with existing systems. Then, we determine your needs and expectations, including priority features, integrations with other systems, and budget.

2. Implement

We recommend improvements, such as new workflows, automations, or alternative purpose-built platforms. Once we’ve agreed on a path forwards together, we implement an upgraded system designed to preserve your time, attention, and money.

3. Iterate

We demo the upgraded system. We take note of any feedback you might have, then iterate and improve. Finally, we share an intuitive how-to guide to help onboard new users.

We measure success by our impact

We’ve enabled a number of effective organizations to maximize their impact — by solving the operational challenges we know best.

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